Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hoping to motivate...


In the past 2 1/2 years since moving to Colorado I have lost 75 lbs.  I still have about 20 lbs to go and since last July I have lost nothing and in fact over the past two months I have gained several pounds back, which is definitely not the direction I want to be going.  I'm blaming the gain on stress and while I'm still very stressed out about Jeremy's job situation I know I can't let that sink me back into body I had two years ago--I don't plan to ever be that heavy again!   I'll admit I haven't really done anything drastic in the past nine months to try to loose this last 20 lbs, but now I'd really like it gone in time for summer clothing-which around here is not until the end of May.  This morning I started back up with my Jillian Michaels workout and I'm hoping that will help me to get my eating back on track.  I figure by putting it out here for the "world" to see, I will have to follow through or it will be very obvious that I haven't!

Here are some pictures to show my progress.  Hopefully this May I'll have a new one to add!
 May 2007                        May 2008                         May 2009
Feel free to share any weight loss success stories or tips with me!  I would love to know what actually works for others!

Friday, March 19, 2010

A Mama's Pride!

Yesterday Jeremy and I had the privilege of attendning an all-school assembly to watch Sarah receive a Coyote P.R.I.D.E. award.  It's basically like a Student of the Year award.  Each teacher picks two students from their class to receive it.  Aidan received this same award last year.  Coyote PRIDE is the school motto and stands for P-Positve, R-Responsible, I-Inclusive, D-Dependable and E-Engaged.  Here is what her teacher wrote on her nomination form:

"Sarah is one of the most positive students you will ever meet.  She is positive about her work and her friends.  She comes in with a smile on her face and it is contagious!"

Way to go Sarah---we are so proud of you!

Unfortunately, we didn't have the best view from where we were at.

I also have to share a moment of pride in Aidan as well.  On February 12th he decided on his own to start reading the Bible from the beginning.  He has read like crazy every day and updates me with his progress.  I'm sure he doesn't understand every single thing he reads and there were a few times he asked me what something means but he's very determined to work is way through.  Last night he completed the book of Genesis--we are talking 50 chapters in 34 days!  Amazing!  How many of us adults struggle to read even one chapter a day?  He is excted to get started on Exodus tonight!

And now I leave you with a view of our St. Patrick's Day supper: 

I could make a pun about "going green", since that's what we all did the next day
 but that wouldn't be very classy... =)