Monday, August 10, 2009

Jonah's "Smokes"

On Friday night we were getting ready for snack time and Jonah says, "I want a smoke!" I looked at him curiously knowing that he'd never heard that term before and not having any idea what he could be referring to. He continued on for several minutes saying, "I want a smoke" or "Mommy, give me a smoke for snack" and finally adamantly saying, "Mommy, I need my smokes!" I went through a list of foods-s'mores, lil' smokies, cookies to which he said no each time. It finally dawned on my that earlier that day I had made him a smoothie to drink when he sat with me, my mom, my sister and my 19 year old nephew while we were drinking Starbucks. He had felt so big being the only kid at the table and having a "big" drink like everyone around him. So, I finally figured out he was meaning smoothie, asked him if that's what he wanted and was met with a big grin. I'm not sure how smoothie translated into "smoke" in his head but it was pretty funny coming from a 2 year old. The next night he was again asking for his "smokes". I would love to see people's expressions if he ever asks for a smoke while we're out in public!