Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Ulitimate Wish List

Jonah will turn three on January 30th.  The other day I asked him what he'd like for his birthday and this is exactly what he told me:
Shoes for my feet

A Car that goes by itself

Chocolate Ice Cream in a cone I can eat

and red bows on everything.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Out of the mouths of babes

The other night the kids and I were cleaning up their toys in preparation for a family game night.  Sarah wasn't doing her share.  I said she wouldn't be allowed to play games if she didn't do her part in the cleaning.  Here is the conversation that followed:
Aidan (8): Yeah Sarah, you'll be forbidden from playing games.
Sarah (6):  Well, it doesn't matter.  Wait, what is forbidden?
Me: What do you think it means?
Sarah: I don't know!
Katie (4): It means not allowed!
10 points to the four year old for her vocab skills!

Later that same night as the kids were brushing teeth:
Sarah: Oh great honorable Mother?
Me: Yes, my dear.
Sarah: Wait, what does that mean?
Me: Highly honored and respected.
Sarah: Oh, never mind then.  I'll just call you Mommy.

On a more poignant note...
Today in the car we were listening to a song about heaven.
Katie: I want to die right now!
Me: Why?
Katie: Because I want to be with Papa Terry, I just miss him so much!
Me: Well, it would be wonderful to be with Papa Terry but if you went to heaven right now I would really miss you. 
Katie:  Why did Papa Terry die? (this has been addressed multiple times before but she's still trying to figure it all out)
Me: He got very, very, very sick and the doctors couldn't make him better.  So, God choose to take him to heaven.
Jonah: Yeah, and Papa Terry opened his eyes and he was better! (Jonah will turn 3 in a couple weeks.)

I cried the rest of the way home...I love the view from a child's eyes.