Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Snowy Day Pictures

It's snowing on Christmas Eve Eve!  Which means it'll be a White Christmas here because it won't get warm enough to melt by Christmas Day.  Yay!  The kids have been out playing in the snow for over an hour--they all seem to love it and have quite the stamina for playing in it.

Aidan found this footprint sticking up out of the snow and decided to pick it up...

and it actually stayed intact when he did!

Picture perfect snowflakes--something you don't see with every snow...
most of the time they are too fine or too clumped together to see the details.

You can click on the pictures to enlarge them and really see the fine details.


Kim said...

WOW- that is so awesome! This is going to sound stupid, but I didn't know that snow ACTUALLY looked like that, like the snowflakes we make out of paper! WONDERFUL!

FitzandMolly said...

moriah and i looked at the snowflake pictures together, and at the same time, both of us said, "oooooh! pretty!"