Monday, May 4, 2009

Make the Earth Happy Part 2

On Saturday Katie informed me that she no longer wants to be a mommy and pilot when she grows up--she wants to be a "Trash Ma'am". She wants to fly around the world in a trash mobile and make the whole earth clean--her words, not mine. Also, today while we were in the car she told me to look out the window at the tiny leaves that are finally growing on the trees around here. She said, "The trees at our house have lots of leaves already. The must be feeling very happy right now." I love these little moments the kids remind me to take to appreciate the amazing gift God has given us in the form of nature.

Katie seems very spiritually aware for being only three and a half. The prayers she says at night just tug on my heart strings. She says things such as thank you God for being God and for sending your love to us. She asks for help in doing the right things and for forgiveness for the things she does wrong. When we were in Houston in March we were at Kohl's with Grandma Peggy and Aunt Amy. I was off in another part of the store when Peggy saw someone she knew and they began to talk. This woman was going through a rough time and telling Peggy about it. All of a sudden Katie gave the woman a big hug and it seemed to make the woman's day. Both Peggy and Amy said they thought Katie could sense the woman's need for comfort and she just acted on it without hesitation. It never gets old watching my children's personalities blossom and learning more about the unique person God has created them to be.

In other Katie news we may be at the end of her thumb sucking days...she got a nasty burn this morning on the thumb that she sucks. I hope nobody turns me in for negligence on this one but I plugged in my flat iron to heat up and left the bathroom. She came along to wash her hands and decided to touch it. She knows very well that it is extremely hot, in fact I've used it on her hair and she's felt the heat coming from it when I do. But for whatever reason curiosity got the better of her today. So now she's got a huge blister at the top of her thumb. Of course she immediately stuck it in her mouth to soothe herself and found out right away that didn't work well. Her thumb is in her mouth about 75% of the day so this is a major thing. I managed to get her through her initial pain and first thumb sucking craving with a Toostie Pop. It was a couple hours later before it hit her again and this time I pacified with gum-which is a favorite of hers. However, I don't think I can continue to dole out suckers and gum whenever she is upset about not being able to suck over the next few days. She's just going to have to "suck it up" and get through this. =) Bedtime tonight is probably going to be torturous--I'm not even trying to get her down for a nap this afternoon. But maybe in the end we'll have a wonderful result of being thumb sucking free! Sarah also went through having a major owie on her thumb at this age and it stopped her sucking for a couple weeks and then she was right back at it (though she quite on her own several months after that). Here's to hoping!


amycelene said...

hope bedtime with no thumb sucking wasn't too awful for Katie! She's definitely a special one in her special way - it will be very interesting to see how she puts those gifts to work as she gets older!

FitzandMolly said...

Moriah is sucking her thumb right now more than ever before. I actually think that it was b/c she finally cut her molars. She just never complained about the pain, so I didn't know.

Last night, she told us that Katie is her best cousin.

RoseSno said...

Unfortunately it seems a huge blister isn't a deterant for thumb-sucking. After the first several hours she went on sucking as if nothing ever happened...and actually it is healing quite nicely. Courtney-it probably is partly teething and it may be partly her age too. Yay for best cousins!