Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Reality Sets In

Aidan and Sarah started the new school year yesterday and it was a successful day for both of them.  Aidan is now in third grade and Sarah in first grade.  This is Sarah's first year of full day school and while she was super excited about finally getting to eat in the cafeteria and ride the bus both to and from school, she was a bit apprehensive about being away from me all day, stating she would miss me.  I have a feeling she's given me no thought throughout the day yesterday or so far today.  However, here is where the reality is for her right now:  Yesterday within minutes of arriving home at almost 4:00 p.m. she asked with much dramatic flare, "Mommy, can I watch a show? Because I'm ex-haust-ed!"   Then last night at bedtime, with a school career totaling 2 years and 1 day, I heard the words I never thought I'd hear from her:

Sarah: I don't want to go to school tomorrow. (with a big tired sigh)
Me: Why not?
Sarah: It's hard work! I got all hot and tired all day. 

This is from the girl who has loved school until this point.  In pre-K and Kindergarten she would actually cry if there was a day off school or she was sick and had to miss.  I know there is a world of difference between going to Kindergarten for less than three hours and 1st grade for 6.5 hours but I don't think Sarah was quite prepared for it.  I know she will adjust, but I'm expecting a very tired girl for the next couple weeks. 

On the flip side of this...after just a day and a half, I love having two of them in school all day!  I adore all four of my children and wouldn't trade the "bustle" of having a big family for anything, but things are so much easier with only two at home--especially Katie and Jonah.  They are self proclaimed best friends and play wonderfully together.  Not to mention they are fabulous "shoppers."  Truly the worst part of summer is grocery shopping and errands in general with four kids in tow.  I would do whatever I could to avoid taking all four of them with me this summer, but for the most part, it was unavoidable.  I loathed heading out with all four of them to do my stuff...  However, both yesterday and today, Katie, Jonah and I have run errands and it's been, dare I say, blissful in comparision! 

Katie will be starting pre-K in three weeks which means it will be just Jonah and I for three mornings a week.  I wonder if we'll even know what to do with ourselves during that time?  I'm definitely looking forward to one on one time with Jonah and errands with only ONE child-I can't begin to imagine what that will be like!  

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


We went on our first family camping trip this past weekend and we all had a blast!  Since we were late in making a reservation we had to just take what was available in the camp site we wanted and it couldn't have been more perfect for our family.  We had an oversized tent pad, where near the restrooms (I use that term loosely), a view of the lake and plenty of safe areas for the kids to explore. 

Jonah's favorite two things to do were play with his dump truck and sweep the rocks at our site.  He also loved watching the chipmunks eat the sunflower seeds we put out for them.

The girls fell in love with the hammock we strung between two trees.  This hammock is extra special because it is the one Jeremy's brother Andrew used on his camping trips.  All the kids had fun with the hammock but the girls spent the majority of the time on it (or fighting over it).

Aidan's favorite thing to do was wander in the trees near our campsite.  He spent most of his time wandering and having conversations with himself. 

The campfire in the evenings was of course all a big hit with all the kids, and the first night we made s'mores and the kids told "ghost" stories. The second  night we roasted hot dogs.

We attempted our hand at fishing for trout but I think our location at the lake as well as a lack of patience led to empty lines--except for Aidan.  He got a tug on his line and quickly reeled it in to find not a trout at the end but a giant crawdad (or crawfish for those of you from the south).

The kids were all major troopers through the entire weekend.  At first we heard many cries of pain as one or the other of them tripped over rocks and fell but after a few admonitions of "when you're camping you have to be tough and just get up and keep going", they all bucked up and took the scrapes and bruises like true outdoorsmen!

The one major downside of the trip was the COLD nights.  It dropped to the low 40's and silly me thought that since our sleeping bags were graded for 20-40 degree weather that we'd be just fine in normal pajammas.  We all froze the first night and had a quite a restless sleep.  The second night we bundled in sweatpants, jackets and socks and had a much better sleep. 

On the way home we stopped along part of a river that has a secluded sandy beach area.  I am truly enchanted by this area due to the mix of black and tan sand (which is the softest, finest sand I've ever felt) as well as the gorgeous views and perfect areas for wading into the river. 

On the way home we stopped at this restaurant and Jeremy was in heaven!  I dare say this was his favorite part of the whole trip!  I have to admit it was seriously good bbq-about the best I've ever had.  Too bad it's almost an hour from our house...  My nephew is attending college in the city near the restaurant so I'm sure we'll find some way to meet him there for dinner at least once or twice.

Overall the trip was considered a huge success and loved by all.  We definitely have many more camping trips in our future.  To view the rest of our camping pictures click here